What It Does: Modernizes the federal grants system in several ways, including data standards for reporting on the use of federal funds and requirements for publishing data on grants openly
Who It Involves: Federal grant-making agencies as well as recipients of federal grants and cooperative agreements
What It Does: Improves how the Federal Government makes data available to the public to facilitate transparency, improve governance, and spur innovation
Who It Involves: All federal departments, offices, and agencies that collect and publish data
What It Does: Requires U.S. government agencies to publish standardized federal spending data on a regular basis
Who It Involves: All federal departments, offices, and agencies that make grant, contract, loan, and other financial assistance awards, including the Office of Management and Budget and U.S. Department of the Treasury who are leading DATA Act implementation; Federal grant recipients, including state and local governments, and other users of federal spending data
What It Does: As an Executive Order, mandates that “the default state of new and modernized government information resources shall be open and machine readable [and] managed as an asset throughout its lifecycle”
Who It Involves: All federal departments, agencies, and offices that publish data
What It Does: Provides guidance from the Office of Management and Budget on implementing the Executive Order on Making Open And Machine-Readable the New Default For Government Information
Who It Involves: All federal departments, agencies, and offices that publish data
What it Does: Sets guidelines for public access to scientific publications and publication of data and metadata from federally funded studies
Who it Involves: Issued by the Office of Science and Technology Policy; applies to all federal departments, agencies, and offices that spend more than $100 million annually on research and development
What It Does: Gives the public the right to request information from the Federal Government, and requires agencies to disclose the information unless it falls under specific exemptions
Who It Involves: All federal departments, agencies, and offices as well as the general public
What It Does: Presents a long-term vision for modernizing the Federal Government and outlines plans for a Federal Data Strategy
Who It Involves: All federal departments, agencies, and offices, including the Office of Management and Budget, which developed and published the President’s Management Agenda